Monday, May 12, 2008

Kitchen Progress...

Brad has been working his tail off to get the kitchen project moving. He's doing a great job too. The kitchen is a tricky room for a job-in-progress! You can make the mess that painting is but you have to clean it up to make the room functional- only to make the mess the next day. hmm...
I started painting the light green color that we have above the cabinets and around the pantry door-- and I hated it! It was MUCH brighter than what the color swatch looked like. The second coat has muted it some but it's still a few tones brighter than what I was looking for. I LOVE the dark green color. I don't know if you can see the contrast in the pictures or not. Anyway, we still have a whole wall to prime and paint and do second coats. THEN we are putting on a glossy "stripe" .... I don't know how to explain it ;) but here's the progress so far.


The mom~ster said...

i love the green....think you are nuts...and am convinced that Brad must be insane about you ;o)

BeckyG. said...

I LOVE IT! I know pictures don't show a true color, but honestly I love the green!
A Wicked poster would look great in there.....I'm not saying that because it looks too green! I think it looks great! What a nice hubby you have!

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